December 14, 2001
December 14,2001

The brain is an organ that has the most misunderstood functions than any other organ in the body. An organ is a composed of tissues, nerves, and chemicals that is adapted to perform specific functions. If we discuss a liver, or a gall bladder the only emotion that is engendered is ; How soon will the medication, surgery or transplant take before I feel better? In the event that the brain is impaired, the reactions become one of fear, denial, and secrecy preventing treatment and recovery. Since the brain is an organ, it is a physical dysfunction, which specialists label as a mental disorder. It is important that the brain be put back in the body in order that the average person can accept the fact that there should be no stigma involved with a malfunctioning of it. It is part of the body. It is an organ.

Scientists call the chemicals in the body, hormones. Everyone knows what a hormone is. Nothing to be frightened of here. Scientists rename the same chemicals in the brain, as neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are hormones but in minute quantities originating in the brain in order to send messages to the body on how to respond to danger, stress, and daily life happenings. You know all this? Then how is it when your loved one acts strangely that the divorce courts are utilized more frequently than the psychiatrist.?

People have come to accept that there is medication for depression, but when it becomes Bipolar1 and the manic part exhibits itself in overspending, sexual indiscretions, gregarious and unrestrained behavior without regard for the consequences that couples are not able to identify that there is a strong possibility that another factor other than a disregarding of the others needs and vows, but that a sickness is present. The average person does not have enough information about the symptoms of any kind of mental illness let alone even one such as Bipolar disease.

The public is made aware of Diabetes, Aids, and Depression, but does not inform them about the many aspects of behavior that are attributed to the brain when it is incapacitated.

The brain does not exhibit pain. The brain exhibits behavioral patterns that are antisocial, and often unacceptable, sometimes even illegal. Using Bipolar symptoms this column will illustrate how pain is interpreted by the brain. Pain may be shown by insomnia or hypersomnia (increased sleeping), putting oneself down or inflating ones's accomplishments, increased or decreased productivity(often frittering away time on unnecessary endeavors), a loss of focus or a sudden burst of creativity, a loss of interest in life and sex, or an uninhibited gregariousness without the recognition of disastrous consequences, feeling as if life is in slow motion or speeded up, talking less or excessively, pessimistic or overly optimistic, feeling guilty, brooding, crying or inappropriate laughing, joking or punning. This is the result of a disablement to the brain's ability to utilize food to become the necessary amino acids that will break down into the components that will establish the correct proportion of neurotransmitters that will keep the brain humming correctly and ones behavior stable.

In the Diagnostic Statistical Manual used by physicians only three of the depressive symptoms and three of the manic symptoms determines that the individual is suffering from Bipolar illness. I've clumped all the symptoms together because this is a limited avenue for declaring such important information. Should you find that any of your loved ones display these symptoms, try and get them to a medical doctor as soon as possible. Psychiatrists are medical doctors. Layman lose track of that pertinent bit of knowledge.

If only one marriage or life is saved because of this column today, it its worth the reading. Bipolar illness can lead to lack of eating or sleeping to the extent that the person dies. There are many dire consequences as a result of unattended illnesses regardless of where they strike in the body. The above behaviors of the brain may indicate other types of problems depending on the way they are grouped together. For example in males the loss of sexual interest, irritability, and poor cognitive functioning could be a lowered testosterone level.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones! Investigate (with an open mind) any behavior that is not in keeping with that which you have come to expect.